Friday, September 28, 2012

What does it take?

So my husband and I are still legally married.  We still live together as roommates.  He's a good person, just not the right person for me. 

He put up with me in my addiction, and was as supportive as he could be when I almost died.  He was very quick to point the finger and brag that he was the 'good' parent.  He has a tendency to hold on to stuff, and his baggage is overwhelming. 

When I first decided to get clean with my boyfriend at the time, he had the attitude of I'll believe it when I see it.  I understand the skepticism. 

I think PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome) affected my other and myself. A little over a month ago I starting to get back to myself, and have stepped up in general.  I wake up early, sit with  the kids for meals, do almost all the homework, bath time, bed time and story time.

For some reason, he barely did any of that.  They'd be late for school, homework assignments were missed, dinner was something easy or pizza, and they be served and he wouldn't eat with  them.  Yes, I know I should have stepped up a long time ago, but I can't change the past.

Children and youth were involve.  And that it probably one of the best things that could have happened.  We were ordered to take a parenting class. We are taking the class currently and I love it.  He complained that he felt like he took all the responsibility.  I admit that yes, I was not good, and I have been consistently have been improving.

As I improved, he's dropping the ball.  He admitted to the teacher, that he is waiting for me to relapse. That is what it is, but does he need to neglect the house and chores? How long do I let him go before I bring it up? 

I wish he'd just let go of me being a pos and focus on the kids...

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