Saturday, October 13, 2012

What makes a good mom?

I started making the Halloween costumes for the kids.  Tobyn wants to be a faery. I started making the wings, I have a shit ton to do yet.  Layne and Shannon want to be Kick Buttowski and Gunther.  I remember  one year that I had a homemade costume, because I was in the girl scouts, and they were in the parade.  I was a wolf. 

I remember being so proud of the cheesy costume, and wished my mom would do it something every year.  My mom (since she was biologically my grandmother) never really played with me.  I am not pointing fingers, just because my childhood wasn't perfect it wasn't completely my parents fault.  I truly believed they did the best they could.

I realized after having kids, that the ages 2-4 bug me.  I lacked patience.  I realized why I don't like that age group. I never was really a kid.  Yes I had moments like any kid, but I was expected to act 'maturely.'  That was most likely one of the main reasons why I felt like I never fit in.  Maybe that's why I still don't feel like I fit in anywhere.

As a kid I wanted to belong to something so bad.  Now, I am what I am, being different isn't bad.

I am working on letting the kids be kids. I want them to look back on their childhood and say, "My mommy was awesome."

I take complete responsibility  for being a bad mother when I was caught up, but HOPEFULLY they won't remember that.

The only thing I can do is be the best mother I can be, going off the idea of what makes a good mother.  My mom was good at being supportive, but she never really connected with me as a kid.

But what makes a good mother?

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