Friday, December 28, 2012

New Years, New Beginnings....

So last year 2012 meant Kris was in jail, and we planned on using once when he got out, then getting clean.  Now, it's coming up on the New Year, and he is not in jail, and we are clean.  I had really basic goals....and I reached them.  Get clean and figure out what I wanted to do with my life....

After a lot of thinking, I decided that I wanted to write about my story and become a motivational speaker.  I figured if I got myself together, Id be a better mother.  Well I became a better person all-round, and I am a decent mother now...

This year, I will get published, even if it is through Kindle, and I will work to be a motivational speaker...I will continue to be a better mom... Now I know what I want in life...

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